

      Rich Fogleman and Jim Rose believe that everyone can benefit from increasing their prosperity consciousness, and therefore offer some non-denominational information and site links which they believe most people will find interesting and helpful, particularly during a time of business expansion.   Your comments and feedback are welcome and invited, along with suggested additions.

The Prosperity Teachings of Edwene Gaines

      The masters school is located at Mentone, Alabama and was founded by Edwene Gaines to train teachers of prosperity.  Individuals from a wide range of backgrounds have found seminars given by Edwene and her students very helpful in increasing both net worth and profits.  The excellent materials provided through Edwene's guidance are available directly from the Prosperity Products Group in Mentone.  See also (below) the reprint of an article concerning Jim Rose, Corporate Finance Partner, which appeared in the Clearwater (FL) Sun on June 21, 1986.

Prosperity Products
"to empower and transform"
P.O. Box 125, Valley Head, Alabama 35989
Phone: 256-635-1377
Fax: 256-635-1388

The Daily Prosperity Thought from Catherine Ponder
Palm Desert, California
Prosperity Dial-A-Thought 760-346-3964

Santa Fe, New Mexico
1-888-779-JOAN (5626)

Sun correspondent

      COUNTRYSIDE - Jim Rose isn't a typical securities broker or investment advisor, as he prefers to be called. Most people in his line of work don't mix business with religion.
      Two and a half years ago Rose Founded Planetary Partners, which promotes God as the source of prosperity. In fact, one of the leaflets Rose distributes has an imprint of a $100 bill with "God is my source" emblazoned across the front.
      "Many people are under the misconception that poverty is somehow holy ... that wealth is somehow irreligious," said the Clearwater resident.
      Rose emphasizes that his "ecumenical movement" is not an effort to convert others to his religious beliefs. Instead, Rose said he wants "to share with other people principals that continue to work in my own life."
      Planetary Partners formerly consisted of four men who invested time and money in prosperity teaching, an approach to money making advocated by the Unity Church. Although the Clearwater area organization has disbanded, Rose said he will continue to disseminate the literature and conduct seminars on the subject.
      He focused on four topics: goal setting; tithing or systematically giving, which Rose describes as a person putting money back into sources from which he has benefited; forgiveness, no longer giving attention to those who stop you from being productive; and millionaire consciousness builders, a list of 25 affirmations such as "Because I serve God, I have a right to the abundant life." "I have a right to riches. Every one of God's children has a right to abundance," and "I serve God. Money serves me."
      Some people resent the association of divinity with materialism, Rose said, like the client who demanded he stop sending prosperity literature along with investment information. On the other hand, he said many of his clients prefer doing business with him because their views are "very compatible."
      To cover his expenses, Rose accepts "love offerings," although he said he will continue the prosperity ministry even if operating at a loss. As it stands, Rose said he receives only modest contributions, barely enough to meet rising circulation and production costs.
      "One of the prosperity teachings is that it's really an obligation as capital and cash flow, different things arrive in your life, to take a tenth - a tithe - and give that first tenth part to whatever person or organization in the world promulgating what you see to be spiritually true, valid or uplifting," Rose said.
      However, he admitted developing some business clients through his ministry, but said he does not actively seek them. According to Rose, most of the people who attend his lectures do not have discretionary capital and are not considered ideal prospective clients.

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